“Everyone has a different job!” is the second reflection/introspection that I’d like to
share with you as I head towards my 60th birthday this Saturday. It may seem unbelievably simple, but actually, it’s really truly remarkable. Every person is unique and Kind Leaders know that each person who follows them has something amazing - and necessary - to contribute.
Here’s the story. I grew up in a small, homogeneous suburb outside Ottawa, Canada. My high school was extremely small! Only 650 students. And I was unbelievably shy. When I was nineteen, I headed to the big city, Toronto, to go to university. During the first week of classes, as I stood in Central Square, a hustling and bustling student hub, transfixed (and a little overwhelmed), watching so many students of all different backgrounds go by, I had a sudden revelation: “Everyone has a different job.” Each of us is unique. We come into this world with different temperaments, strengths and interests. We each have different backgrounds and experiences. We have different passions. And there’s a reason for that. And that is that each of us has a different “job”, a different, and unique purpose, something that only we can accomplish here on earth.
And working at that “different job” isn’t just important for fulfilling a lifetime of personal purpose and self-actualization. It’s important because without the “job” you are supposed to do, the world is missing something. People aren’t getting the help they need, because every job is needed and necessary. Every single one. Including yours. We’re all here on earth to help each other, and if we don’t do our job, and fulfill our unique purpose, the world will be missing something.
So, since then, since I was nineteen years old, I’ve been working on figuring out what my “job” and purpose is and working towards fulfilling it. So that I can help others, and do my part for the world. And I hope that you will do that too, in your own personal life, and as a Kind Leader, helping others become exactly who they are supposed to be. Because Kind Leaders know that “everyone has a different job", and it's their job to help others do theirs!
Have you signed up for our 60 Days of Deliberate Kindness yet? It "officially" starts on Saturday, April 23rd...but you can get started now! Click here to join and download your free, Weekly Kindness Planner!
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