Today, in the USA, it’s MLK Day. And as I was reflecting this weekend in preparation, I found myself thinking a lot about the idea of transformation. And I kept asking myself, “How do we really change? As people, organizations and societies?” And the answer that kept coming up was through kindness and leadership. Leaders who, like Martin Luther King Jr., show us, though their vision, what a better, kinder world, a world of acceptance, inclusion, belonging and equality can look like. Leaders, like Martin Luther King Jr., whose actions and words, model for us better, kinder ways for us to act, react and interact. As individuals, organizations and society. Leaders who, like Martin Luther King Jr., teach us that kindness, and non-violence aren’t weakness, but, in fact, strength.
And so I chose the quote, below to share today:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)
Although Martin Luther King Jr. is gone, we are here. You and I. And we are leaders. Each and every one of us. And we can continue the work of transformation and creating a kinder, better world. By choosing, today (and everyday) to act kindly…to listen to others with open eyes, open ears, open mind and an open heart, to hear what they need, from their perspective and experience. To make deliberate choices to include people who are different than we are. In our hiring, in our social circles, as friends. We can choose, with each action we take, to drive out fear, and transform our world to one of trust. Through kindness and leadership. We, you and I, can do it.
All we need to do is get started, and keep going. So today, in honor of MLK Day, and Martin Luther King Jr. please do an act of kindness. That is what will transform our world.