What are you doing next week? I’m super excited because I’ll be hosting a free Lunch & Learn on Tuesday, January 18th about Why Kindness Isn’t Weakness! It’s going to be a great discussion! It’s the first of a monthly series of free Lunch & Learns on the questions people ask me most often about Kind Leadership! More dates, times and topics coming soon! Click here to register for this one!
Then, on Wednesday, January 19th I’m so excited to be back as a guest on V-Veer’s free webinar series! We’ll be talking about how to unstick and accelerate organizational transformation with Kind Leadership. If your organization is stuck, or moving slowly, no matter what type of transformation, please join by clicking here!
Also on Wednesday, January 19th, I’ll be leading a free session at the HR Summit on how to practice Kind Leadership in HR! It’s short - 30 minutes! And practical…so bring your post it notes and get ready to learn three simple techniques you can start using right now to help those in your organization (and yourself) lead with kindness! Register by clicking here!