I can hardly believe it! The Kind Leader: A Practical Guide to Eliminating Fear, Creating Trust and Leading with Kindness is celebrating it's 1 Year Anniversary this week!
It's been such an exciting year...full of kindness, community and all the benefits that come from Kind Leadership! Here are just a few of the highlights:
People from all over the world who have read and done the practice exercises in The Kind Leader, have let me know how much it has helped them lead with kindness!
So many people have completed New School for Kind Leader classes, and The Kind Leader Guided Book Club! They've practiced Acting, Speaking and Thinking Kindly at work, at home and in the community!
The Kind Leader has been featured in articles in magazines such as IISE, and Gestion!
I've spoken about creating a Better Future through Kind Leadership at numerous conferences...and just did a talk on Kind Leadership at TEDxBoston (I'll post the link as soon as I have it!)
And guess what?! To celebrate our 1 Year Anniversary, I've created two very special one hour classes, based on my TEDxBoston talk:
5 Steps to Take Right Now to Be A Kinder Leader at Work on Tuesday, September 22, 2022... and...
5 Steps to Take Right Now to Be a Kinder Leader at Home on Thursday, September 29, 2022
Both are "Pay what you'd like" and your kind donation will go directly to fund my non-profit, The Love and Kindness Project Foundation!
We'd love to have you join our Anniversary Celebration classes. If you can't make it, and would still like to join us in leading with kindness, here are some easy things that you can do:
Purchase a copy of The Kind Leader for yourself and your colleagues! It's currently on sale from the publisher for a 20% off discount!
Sign The Kind Leadership Manifesto! Share it with your colleagues! Let everyone know you are committed to leading with kindness!
Wear a The Best Kind of Leader is a Kind Leader t-shirt! You can purchase yours here!
So many of the problems that each of us experiences at work, at home and in the community are a direct result of failures of leadership combined with failures of kindness. The good news, all problems of all sizes, are solvable! We just need to stop waiting for others to solve them! When you lead with kindness, at work, at home and in the community, you are making an immediate contribution to solving problems and creating a better world for all!
Thank you to everyone who has become part of our Kind Leader Community, and who has already made their workplace, home and community a kinder place by practicing Kind Leadership!