This week, it’s the one year anniversary of the publication of The Kind Leader: A Practical Guide to Eliminating Fear, Creating Trust and Leading with Kindness! To celebrate, I’ll be posting a simple, practical tip you can use to be a kinder leader, starting today! Because…kindness and Kind Leadership is about taking ACTION!
Here’s the first one:
Ask people HOW they are doing BEFORE you ask them WHAT they are doing!
Super simple, but easy to forget!
Because leaders, especially at work, are often focused on the outcomes, the results, the “ends”. But none of those results are accomplished without the efforts of people! Real live human beings! And if you don’t see and connect with your people “as people”, you may forget to treat them kindly.
Today, please slow down, look up from your devices when you are in a meeting or walking in the hallway and take time to greet each person you pass by and ask them HOW they are doing!
It’s the Kind Leader thing to do!
Learn more easy ways to practice Kind Leadership at our upcoming sessions: